Monday, September 29, 2008

Swallow Study

Anniek had a swallow study on Thursday. We were all really hoping that she would be able to move forward and be able to eat more then just pureed food and thickened liquids. Unfortunately all she did at the appointment was cry...she didn't want ANY of the food that was offered to her or anything. She didn't get her morning feed so she should have been hungery and WANTING to have food! It was so frusterating. I think it was because of the chair that they strapped her in...but they said that she HAD to be in that chair to stay in the seems like catch 22.
I asked what they do now and how long I will have to wait for a new appointment...becuase she was not cooperative with this appointment and didn't eat anything they do not need a referal for another appointment with them...and they are willing to have Anniek come in for some "lunch dates" as many as she needs to feel comfortable with being in the chair and in that room and they work as slowly as Anniek want to move towards eventually being able to repeat the study. The good thing is though that when she is ready to have the study repeated they will make it for the week after they think that she is ready and have an appointment a couple days before the study!
Hopefully she will not take too long getting used to the room and every thing...other wise parking is going to get very expensive this