Monday, January 28, 2013


On Friday we moved to a new place...A bigger place so we have more room to put things.  Anniek went to a respite place that she goes to once a month so I can get a bit of a break, which is really nice as I am a single Mom.  Anniek went to school on Friday, then the moving truck came and picked up all the big things that me and my Dad could not move by ourselves and moved it over to the new place.  After school Anniek went to the respite place for the weekend and she knew that she would come home from the respite place and be at the new place.  So me, my Mom, my Dad, my sister, and Anniek's godmother made sure that Anniek's room was totally set up for when she came home from the respite place.  At the respite place Anniek's buddy was there that totally loves her.  When she came home she was super excited to be at the new place and had to check out EVERYTHING.  Tomorrow we go to the new school and meet Anniek's new teacher and get shown around the school.  Anniek will be taking a Special Transportation bus van to her new school and she is really excited about that.  She also wants to get everything that is left to be put away ASAP so she can get a new kitten as I told her we can get one after we are settled at our new place when we had to put our cat down at the beginning of the month.

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